
Showing posts from January, 2022

Crossing the Equator

 Viking like probably every other cruise ship holds a crossing the equator NEPTUNE party after crossing the equator.  While this one was not as crazy as the one I experienced on Oceana cruise line I thought I would share a few photos.  For those of you who are not familiar with this old age tradition I will try to describe what happens.  Kind Neptune and his court watch the accused Pollywogs be inducted into the Order of the Shellbacks.  The accused are various crew members, usually officers.  The court consists of the passengers.   As the accused are called to the court their crime is revealed and the court decides guilty or not guilty.  If guilty the person is smeared with whipping cream and tossed into the pool.  They are accused of such crimes as allowing the bedbugs to go ramped on deck 6, or the chef holding back the good food for himself, or the hotel manager spying on the room attendants,  and so on.  All very silly accusati...

More Pictures from Panama

A restored home from 1660 now a restaurant One of many old churches in Panama’s historical disctrict One of the worlds largest Nativity Scenes in the Iglesia de San Felipe Neri Church also in the history district.   It’s amazing.  One could spend hours studying all the different depictions.    
Dancers in Esparza town square No idea what tree that is but it had blossoms both on its limbs but also tree trunk.  Panama City water front as we saw it coming into port Colonial Panama ocean front.   Also can see part of the old city wall  One of their many green spaces in the city
Just one of the many birds we saw during our Wildlife River cruise. This crocodile was keeping a watchful eye on us. Beautiful landscape alone the river’s edge. The frigate birds were constantly soaring over us,  I managed to capture one with the camera.   

Days fly by

 January 31, 2022.   The days fly by and seems like ages that I have posted anything.  Just having too good a time.  Since my lot post we have visited Puntarenas for the second time and opted for the Wildlife and Crocodile tour.  While we saw only about 4 crocs we were assured there were many more and it would behoove us not to put our fingers into the water.  We were privileged to see many birds:  pelicans, frigate, mangrove warbler, yellow headed caracara, crested caracara, scarlet macaws, white ibis, common tern, snowy egrets, several types of herons and so on.  A birders paradise.  The weather was perfect.  In the afternoon our tour took us to the newly town of Esperanza, on the way we enjoyed lovely tropical fauna and great visas.  Once there we were treated to a cultural dance performance on the towns square.    All in all we had a wonderful day.  After another sea day we arrive in Panama City whose skyline is a...

Sharing photos from prior ports

 Puerto Vallarta old town water fronts steps leading right int the water  One of the many statues on the water front Boutique with many Mexican crafted clothing and souvenirs  A very lovely but ornate Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe  The famous rock formation and arch in Cabo San Lucas 

At Sea on the way to Puntarenas Costa Rico

 Hello friends, The ICloud and this blog are not cooperating, so sorry still no pictures to share.   Joanne  Good morning,  Friday Jan 21, 2022   Using a different method than from retrieving pictures from the iCloud I was finally able to attach a photo from Puerto Vallarta’s waterfront with its famous Seahorse statue.   Since that method worked, while more cumbersome, you can expect more.   Enjoying a day at see and seeing lots of dolphins surfing in our ship’s wake.  They are such a delight to watch.  Occasionally a turtle swims by.  What a wonderful world!    

Cabo and Puerto Vallarta

 January 19, 2022.   Where does the time go.  We had a wonderful second visit to Cabo, avoiding the noisy touristy boardwalk and partaking in a whale watching cruise.  It was such a wonderful experience.  The humpback whales really put a show on for us, blowing, thrashing their flippers onto the water, leaping and breaching the water.  Our boat kept a respectable distance while others chased them.  I wondered how the whales felt about that.  Threatened??  Or just how it is.  Who knows.  I regrettably did not get any good pictures and the one good video I had I inadvertently deleted and don’t know how to get it back.  Hence I will only be able to share the iconic rock formations with its arch.  There used to be more but one crashed into the sea I think in 2016.  It was there when we cruised in 2015 and gone in 2018.   Puerto Vallarta was a pleasant surprise.  With all the cruising I have done I never had been...
 Hello Friends,   I finally decided I would give this a try and since hopefully by now you will have read Margit’s blog summarization on of the first three weeks I will no repeat it.   This will just be a test blog,  I will also see if I can attach pictures.    This is a view of our stateroom taken from the entrance.   And here is a view of our bathroom, its bigger than the one I have at home.